What Role Does My Doctor Play in My Auto Accident Case?

The doctor you see after you are injured in an auto accident has two responsibilities: 1)    To help you recover as much as possible. 2)    To gather documentation of your injury. You should see a doctor as soon after your accident as possible, even if you aren’t “that hurt.” It often takes up to a … Read more

How Long Do Car Accident Cases Usually Last?

The settlement phase, during which your lawyer and the insurance company decide on a fair offer of compensation, can last anywhere from three months to a year and a half for a relatively simple rear-end auto accident. For example, if you were hit from behind, experienced some pain and sought treatment with one to two … Read more

Seven Mistakes Victims Make When Dealing with Doctors

Not seeking medical help immediately. This is the most common mistake, because many people only realize they are hurt days after an accident. By then, you have risked your health by not treating your injuries early, and risked your case. Waiting to see a doctor tells the insurance companies that your injury wasn’t “that bad,” … Read more

Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Car Accident Case

When deciding who to choose as your personal injury lawyer, experience and success rates are the two most important factors. It’s perfectly okay to ask a potential attorney how many car accident cases they have handled and how many they have won. Most will be happy to tell you their statistics and success stories. Since … Read more

On Guard – How to Defend Against Insurance Adjuster Tactics

Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not giving it away. Their adjusters are trained and rewarded for reducing settlement amounts any way they can. They may appear friendly and concerned while really trying to lead you to say your injury isn’t that serious. With a few precautions, you can dodge some of … Read more