Who is Required to Have PIP?

Most motor vehicles in Florida are required to maintain some sort of PIP coverage.  The fact is it is one of the only required coverage’s for automobile insurance under Florida Law.  The other type of coverage is your property damage coverage. Florida Statute 627.733(1) states that: “every owner or registrant of a motor vehicle, other … Read more

Why Do We Have PIP Coverage in the State of Florida?

Early in the 1970’s Florida’s automobile insurance industry started complaining that victims of automobile accidents could sue the tortfeasor or at-fault party for their injuries, pain an suffering with absolutely no threshold to recovery.  They continued to complain that a relatively small car accident would gain some settlement value because the insurer would have to … Read more

Commonly Used Terms in Auto Accident Cases- Part 6

Pre-litigation Pre-litigation occurs prior to the initiation of the litigation process.  During the “pre-litigation” phase of your file, your attorney will obtain your medical records and bills in anticipation of preparing and forwarding a demand letter to the insurance carrier for the at-fault party (who caused the crash).   This process usually ends about the time … Read more

Commonly Used Terms in Auto Accident Cases- Part 5

Maximum Medical Improvement                 Commonly known as “MMI”.  Maximum medical improvement is a medical term that means that you have been helped as much as medicine can help you.  Thus, while you may not get any better, it does not mean that you need to stop your treatment, nor does it mean that your pain will … Read more