Why do some cars show more property damage than others? Why isn’t the amount of property damage what determines if a person was injured in a crash?

The reason that many cars show visible property damage is because of the way car manufacturers design them for safety. Many vehicles are designed so that particular parts on the vehicle will crack and break off in a crash in order to deflect the impact of the crash away from where the passengers are located … Read more

What If there is much more damage to the vehicle that caused the accident than to your own car? How can that affect your case?

Some jurors in accident cases believe in the myth that property damage equals injury. This means that jurors likely will believe that unless your vehicle sustained substantial property damage, you were not injured. Ironically, this commonly-held belief is refuted entirely by the body of medical and scientific evidence that has been developed over years regarding … Read more

Why the Body Shop’s Damage Photos Can Help Your Case

Body shops take pictures of the entire damage, often storing those photographs on a computer. Later, if the insurance company has any questions about the actual damage to the vehicle, the body shop can email or mail photos of the car to support their findings. These photos are critically important to your case, if you … Read more

How the Property Damage Repair Documentation is Vitally Important to Your Case

The problem with accidents where injury is involved, is that, generally, property damage exists where it cannot be seen, such as underneath the bumper cover to the actual metal behind the cover. Consequently, it is very important that even if you think there is little or no damage to your vehicle, promptly to get a … Read more

Does the Amount of Property Damage to Your Car Matter in Your Injury Case and What Myths Do People Presume to be True?

According to medical documentation provided by neurologists and orthopedists, there is no direct correlation between the amount of property damage in an accident and the type and severity of injuries received. Everyone has a different injury tolerance, and it is very common for two people who experience the same accident to have different injuries. That … Read more