Why It Is Necessary to Have an Investigator Working on Your Case Immediately After the Crash

Timely employing the services of a private investigator is important because that way the investigator is obtaining information from the injured persons very close to the actual time of the crash. Many times the investigators get “clues” on what needs to be done on the case to prevail, and what defenses may be brought out by … Read more

Other Ways Investigators Can Help Your Case

One of the methods insurance companies use to defeat your claim is to argue that there is not enough property damage to the vehicles to have caused permanent injury to the injured party. The medical science involved frequently will not back up such a statement. Everyone has a different injury “threshold”. Some people can sustain … Read more

Why do most people choose not to use their health insurance to pay medical bills after PIP and MedPay has been exhausted?

If you choose to pay your medical bills from your health insurance benefits, after PIP and Med Pay have been exhausted, any applicable deductible must be satisfied first. Depending on the deductible on your health insurance policy, you could be responsible normally for $2,000- $5,000 up front, in addition to any copays every time you … Read more